About Us

Welcome to Read Global Consultants — Connecting Digital Transformation With Global Talents

Our Vision: To be the foremost catalyst for change, revolutionizing the way businesses navigate the digital landscape and achieve sustained excellence together with talent all around the world.

Our Mission: Harnessing the transformative energies of digital, data, and new technology, we are dedicated to delivering an industry-leading experience that integrates seamlessly with our customers’ nondigital interactions. Our endeavor is to weave technology with a human touch, ensuring that our services are a blend of
innovation, security, and inclusivity.

Our Objectives:

  • Develop a resilient technology architecture that serves as a foundation to diversify and enhance our service offerings.
  • Craft services that are user-centric, focused on delivering unprecedented value to users, shareholders, and society.
  • Foster inclusivity, ensuring our services are devoid of prejudice, offering fair recommendations for all communities.
  • Prioritise security and functionality in our systems and processes, aligning them with the highest standards of purpose and integrity.

Our Core Values:

  • Strive for impactful simplicity by discovering small ways to contribute immense value to people’s lives.
  • Cultivate a nurturing environment where seeking help and collaboration flourishes.
  • Channelise talents strategically, ensuring that every role is graced with the right expertise and passion.

A Message from Our CEO: "Our mission resonates with simplicity and clarity. We are here to facilitate solutions for challenging problems through the wisdom of expert consultancy. Our platform offers strong and reliable way for freelance consultants to connect and work, equipped with essential tools that enables them to liaise seamlessly with clients, and orchestrate solutions that echo with excellence and efficacy."

Join us, and be a part of a journey where technology meets humanity, where innovation crafts success stories, and where your talent will find its true calling. Welcome to a world where we redefine the boundaries of digital transformation consultancy!